SpicesPage Maintenance [wowslider id="3"] We are currently updating this Page to serve you better. We expect this Page to be back online shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please try again later, Thank you so much!Edible OilAvocado OilCanola oilCorn OilCoconut OilMustard OilOlive OilPalm OilPeanut OilSafflower OilSoybean OilSunflower oilVegetable OilFood GrainsBranBulgurCerealCouscousCornRiceNoodles and PastaWheatPulsesLentilsMustardSoybeansPeasSpicesFossil FuelAviation FuelsBronzeCoalJet fuelJet AJet A-1KeroseneMazut-100MetalsAlloysAluminiumCast IronChain Link FenceCopperCrushed or Uncrushed AutosDuctile PipeFerrous (Iron) Scrap MetalGoldOreLeadNickelManganese SteelPalladiumPlatinumSilverStainless SteelPrepared & Unprepared SteelRare Earth Element (REE)ZincCinnamonBlack PepperCoriander PowderCoriander LeavesHoly BasilBrown mustard SeedMustard SeedGrains of SelimLogin CustomizerHome – DraftMasksAvocado Oil is extracted from the fleshy portion of the avocado fruit.We base our success on our consumers insight!Benefits & Uses of Avocado OilHistory of Avocado OilAvocado oil also is skin & hair care product.