
We are your One STOP Gold Supplier and Bullion Provider!
Explore Ventures is your number one provider of Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Palladium bullion. Whether you're Looking for American Gold and Silver Eagles, South African Kruggerands, Canadian Maple Gold and Silver, or just private mint .999 we can provide it at the best competitive price. If what you're looking for isn't in stock or not described here, let us order it for you and it can be in your hands with a 2-3 day turn around on delivery time.
We urge you to give us a call or send us an email, one of our agent will be glad to help you.
We do buy and sell Gold Bullion, Gold Coins and Gold Nuggets in large quantity. We supply them to large institutes or individual buyers. We work with major Gold refineries, miners and Suppliers around the world. Explore Ventures portfolio of predominantly low cost, long life mines and a strong pipeline of refineries and miners. Our reserve and resource base is strong, with current gold reserves representing more than 25 years of production at current rates.
Explore Ventures uses a variety of suppliers from publicly traded major Gold Refineries and miners to small boutique producers throughout the world. Key component of our success is Building and maintaining long lasting relationships with Refineries and Miners. We understand and upholds fundamental human rights, and recognizes and respects the culture, values, traditions and heritage of communities in which we operate. Therefore we only work with those Refineries and Miners who value that key component of their business.
Our success results from our technical expertise, prudent financial management, environmental track record and commitment to our refineries and miners.
It’s an approach that allows us to maintain healthy margins, even when the price of gold goes down. It means we have the knowledge and skills to grow our resources and reserves, develop our assets, increase supply levels and identify new opportunities.
Explore Ventures Supply and Logistics function aims to ensure that we:
- Establish relationships to the mutual benefit of all parties.
- Treat suppliers and their representatives fairly, courteously and without bias or prejudice and that competition is open and fair.
- Establish business dealings and agreements that are satisfactory to both Explore Ventures and the supplier.
- Obtain goods and services from approved suppliers that meet internal and external specifications and are competitively priced.
- Transport Explore Ventures products in accordance with internal, external a regulatory requirements.
- Meet all International, National and local regulatory requirements.
Taking ownership of responsible material stewardship and supply chain management protocol and initiatives; Reacting and adhering to the Group's material stewardship and supply chain management policy and principals, and Integrating responsible material stewardship into our everyday practice. We are looking forward to serve you with best ability to find the best Gold products.
About Gold
Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and atomic number 79. It is a dense, soft, malleable, and ductile metal with an attractive, bright yellow color and luster that is maintained without tarnishing in air or water. Chemically, gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element. It is one of the least reactive chemical elements, solid under standard conditions. The metal therefore occurs often in free elemental (native) form, as nuggets or grains in rocks, in veins and in alluvial deposits. Less commonly, it occurs in minerals as gold compounds, such as with tellurium as calaverite, sylvanite and krennerite. Gold resists attacks by individual acids, but it can be dissolved by aqua regia (nitro-hydrochloric acid), so named because it dissolves gold.
Gold also dissolves in alkaline solutions of cyanide, which have been used in mining. It dissolves in mercury, forming amalgam alloys; is insoluble in nitric acid, which dissolves silver and base metals, a property that has long been used to confirm the presence of gold in items, giving rise to the term acid test.
This metal has been a valuable and highly sought-after precious metal for coinage, jewelry, and other arts since long before the beginning of recorded history. Gold standards have sometimes been monetary policies, but were widely supplanted by fiat currency starting in the 1930s. The last gold certificate and gold coin currencies were issued in the U.S. in 1932. In Europe, most countries left the gold standard with the start of World War I in 1914 and, with huge war debts, did not return to gold as a medium of exchange. The value of gold is rooted in its medium rarity,
easily handling, easy smelting, non-corrosiveness, distinct color and non-reactiveness to other elements; qualities most other metals lack.
A total of 174,100 tons of gold have been mined in human history, according to GFMS as of 2012. This is roughly equivalent to 5.6 billion troy ounces or, in terms of volume, about 9261 m3, or a cube 21.0 m on a side. The world consumption of new gold produced is about 50% in jewelry, 40% in investments, and 10% in industry. Besides its widespread monetary and symbolic functions, gold has many practical uses in dentistry, electronics, and other fields. Its high malleability, ductility, resistance to corrosion and most other chemical reactions, and conductivity of electricity have led to many uses, including electric wiring, colored-glass production, and gold leafing. Depending upon the system of recovery it may need to grind to a finer aggregate but that is not likely. The historical process used to recover the precious metals from this ore uses a 60 mesh screen.
Gold mining is the process of mining of gold or gold ores from the ground. There are several techniques and processes by which gold may be extracted from the earth.
In order to maximize gold extraction, mercury is often used to amalgamate with the metal. The gold is produced by boiling away the mercury from the amalgam. Mercury is effective in extracting very small gold particles, but the process is hazardous due to the toxicity of mercury vapor. Gold is one of the heaviest minerals. When pure, it has a specific gravity of 19.3. Due to its weight, it can be panned because the Gold sinks to the bottom. In addition, it can be easily separated from other substances due to the weight differences. Gold is also the most malleable and ductile
substance known. It can be flattened out to less than .00001 of an inch (less than .000065 cm), and a 1 oz. (28 gram) mass can stretch out to a distance of over 50 miles (75 kilometers). Gold is also one of the most resistant metals. It won't tarnish, discolor, crumble, or be affected by most solvents. This adds on to the uniqueness and allure of this mineral.
Gold Nuggets
Gold nuggets, a popular form of Gold with collectors, are formed when erosion causes a large piece of Gold to separate from its mother rock, and then gets carried into a stream or river. The flowing water tumbles the Gold, giving it its distinct rounded shape. The Gold eventually settles at the bottom of the water, and due to its heaviness remains there. Other nuggets also get caught in the same area, forming a placer deposit.
Gold Ore
Gold in its natural mineral form almost always has traces of silver, and may also contain traces of copper and iron. A Gold nugget is usually 70 to 95 percent gold, and the remainder mostly silver. The color of pure Gold is bright golden yellow, but the greater the silver content, the whiter its color is. Much of the gold mined is actually from gold ore rather then actual Gold specimens. The ore is often brown, iron-stained rock or massive white Quartz, and usually contains only minute traces of gold. To extract the gold, the ore is crushed, then the gold is separated from the
ore by various methods.
Uses of Gold
Gold has been used as a precious metal throughout the history of mankind. This is due to its resistance, beauty, rareness, and the fact that it is very easy to work with. Many exotic gold ornaments from the past have been found. Especially noteworthy are the golden ornaments from the tombs of the Pharaohs in Egypt, where gold masks, statues, coins, and much jewelry was archeologically excavated. Gold has been used for coinage throughout the centuries, and is currently accepted internationally as a standard value. Nowadays, the main use of gold is for jewelry. As pure gold is
easily bent and dented, it is always alloyed with other metals when used in jewelry. This makes it more durable and practical for ornamental use. The purity of the gold based on the alloyed metal is measured in karat weight. The karat measurement determines the percentage of gold to other metals on a scale of 1 to 24, with 24 karats being pure gold. Due to gold's distinctive properties as a metal, it has several industrial uses. It is used in photography, dentistry, coloring, and is currently being studied for cancer treatments.
Few Interesting Facts about Gold:
- Gold is a chemical element. Its chemical symbol is Au and its atomic number is 79.
- Compared to other metals, gold is less chemically reactive.
- Gold is a good conductor of electricity and heat.
- Gold is shiny, soft and dense. It is also malleable, which means it can easily be beaten into thin sheets or other shapes.
- Gold is malleable enough for just 1 gram to be hammered into a sheet 1 square meter in size. It can also be made so thin that it appears transparent.
- Due to a similar appearance to gold, the mineral pyrite has the nickname fool’s gold.
- The amount of gold in various alloys (a combination of gold and another metal such as silver) is measured in carats (k). Pure gold is 24k.
- The jewelry market is perceived as the major consumer for gold approximately 59 per cent of the world production.
- The investment sector and central bank reserves are also key markets for gold, around 29 per cent of the world production.
- The technology sector is increasingly using gold, the remaining 12 per cent of the world production and it finds application in the following end uses:
- automotive industry: in catalytic convertors
- electronics: in mobile phones, computer systems and other high performance electronic applications
- engineering: as a lubricator; in fuel cells; in jet engines.
- medicine: in dentistry and other novel medical treatments (e.g. implants, rheumatoid arthritis).
- nanotechnology: chemical catalysts and diagnostic devices.
- space technology and exploration.
- As of 2009, it has been estimated that humans have mined around 160000 tons of gold.
- Over the last 100 years South Africa has been the biggest producer of gold. In recent times however it has been surpassed by China.
- As of 2009, the USA has 8133 tonnes of gold reserves while Canada only has 3.
- Throughout history gold has often been seen as a symbol of wealth.
- Gold is the most popular precious metal for investments.
- The price of gold continually fluctuates and is often linked to major economic events.
- There is a monetary system called the ‘gold standard’ which fixes a unit of money to a certain weight of gold.
- Over the years gold has been used to create expensive jewelry, coins and various forms of art such as the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun’s famous burial mask. In modern times it has also been used for things such as electronics and dentistry.
- Injectable gold has been proven to help reduce pain and swelling in patients suffering from tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Gold is a popular choice when it comes to rewarding achievement with medals, statues and trophies. Academy Award, Olympic and Nobel Prize winners all receive golden items in recognition of their achievement.
Basic unit of weight for Gold:
Gold in the Depository consists of bars about the size of ordinary building bricks (7 x 3 5/8 x 1 3/4 inches) that weigh about 27.5 pounds each (about 400 troy ounces; 1troy ounce equals about 1.1 avoirdupois ounces.) They are stored without wrappings in the vault compartments. The basic unit of weight used in dealing with gold is the troy ounce. One troy ounce is equivalent to 20 troy pennyweights. In the jewelry industry, the common unit of measure is the pennyweight (dwt.) which is equivalent to 1.555 grams. The degree of purity of native gold, bullion (bars or ingots
of unrefined gold), and refined gold is stated in terms of gold content. "Fineness" defines gold content in parts per thousand. For example, a gold nugget containing 885 parts of pure gold and 115 parts of other metals, such as silver and copper, would be considered 885-fine. "Karat" indicates the proportion of solid gold in an alloy based on a total of 24 parts. Thus, 14-karat (14K) gold indicates a composition of 14 parts of gold and 10 parts of other metals. Incidentally, 14K gold is commonly used in jewelry manufacture. "Karat" should not be confused with "carat," a unit of weight used for precious stones.
Chemical & Atomic Facts About Gold:
Element Name: | Gold |
Latin Name: | Aurum |
Atomic Symbol: | Au |
Atomic number: | 79 |
Group: | 11 |
Period: | 6 |
Block: | d |
Atomic radius: | empirical: 144 pm |
Color: | Golden yellow to brass yellow |
Streak: | Golden yellow |
Hardness: | 2.5 - 3 |
Atomic Mass: | 196.96655 amu |
Melting Point: | 1064.43 °C (1337.5801 K, 1947.9741 °F) |
Boiling Point: | 2807.0 °C (3080.15 K, 5084.6 °F) |
Crystal System: | Isometric |
Crystal Structure: | Cubic; face-centered cubic (fcc) |
Density @ 293 K: | 9.32 g/cm3 |
Heat of fusion: | 12.55 kJ•mol-1 |
Heat of vaporization: | 342 kJ•mol-1 |
Molar heat capacity: | 25.418 J•mol-1•K-1 |
Oxidation states: | 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, -1 (an amphoteric oxide) |
Electronegativity: | Pauling |
Ionization energies: | 1st: 890.1 kJ•mol-1 & 2nd: 1980 kJ•mol-1 |
Covalent radius: | 136±6 pm |
Van der Waals radius: | 166 pm |
Transparency: | Opaque |
Specific Gravity: | 15.5 - 19.3 |
Luster: | Metallic |
Cleavage | None |
Fracture: | Hackly |
Tenacity: | Ductile and malleable |
Complex: | Tests Soluble only in aqua regia |
In Group: | Native Elements |
Relative atomic mass | 196.967 |
State at 20°C: | Solid |
Key isotopes: | 197Au |
Electron configuration | [Xe] 4f145d106s1 |
Striking Features: | Golden-yellow color, extreme heaviness, lack of tarnish, malleability and ductility. |
Thermal expansion: | 14.2 µm•m-1•K-1 (at 25 °C) |
Thermal conductivity: | 318 W•m-1•K-1 |
Electrical resistivity: | at 20 °C: 22.14 nO•m |
Magnetic ordering: | diamagnetic |
Tensile strength: | 120 MPa |
Young's modulus: | 79 GPa |
Shear modulus: | 27 GPa |
Bulk modulus: | 220 GPa |
Poisson ratio: | 0.4 |
Vickers hardness: | 216 MPa |
Brinell hardness: | 25 MPa (HB=?) |
Other ID: | Marks Excellent conductor of electricity |
CAS number | 7440-57-5 |
ChemSpider ID | 22421 |
Gold Producing Countries:
The 12 leading gold producing countries—China, Australia, the United States, Russia, South Africa, Peru, Canada, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Mexico, Ghana, and Papua New Guinea (in descending order) accounted for 72% of global production. The next 10 ranked gold producing countries accounted for 16% of production, while the remaining 78 countries made up 12% of global gold production in 2011.
Australia, a large gold producer, has the famous occurrences of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia; and the Bendigo area, Victoria. An odd occurrence from a country with few known mineral deposits is the Porgera Mine, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. The Pacific Island of Fiji is also known for its production of Gold in the Emperor Mine, Viti Levu.
In Europe, a classic occurrence is Rosia Montana, Transylvania, Romania. Other European occurrences are the Björkdal mine in Vasterbotten, Sweden; Brusson, Val D'Aosta, Italy; and Hope's Nose, Torquay, Devon, England. Two well-known South American occurrences are Itaituba, Pará, Brazil and the Bolivar province, Venezuela.
Well known Gold localities in Canada are the Timmons area, Ontario; the Red Lake Gold District, Ontario; and the Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory.
In the U.S., the most famous Gold producing states are California, Nevada, South Dakota, and Alaska. California, home to the Gold rush in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, abounds in historical mining towns and many scattered occurrences. Many are long forgotten, but here is a list where some very fine specimens have come from. The Eagle's Nest Mine, Placer Co., (which has produced some of the best specimens for the mineral market); Placerville, El Dorado Co.; Grass Valley and the Red Ledge Mine, Nevada Co.; the Colorado and Mockingbird Mines, Mariposa Co.; and the Sixteen-To-One Mine, Calaveras Co.
Two famous Gold regions in Nevada are the Round Mountain Mine, Nye Co., and the Olinghouse District, Washoe Co. Colorado has many minor occurrences but well known localities are the Dixie Mine, Clear Creek Co.; Breckenridge, Summit Co.; and Cripple Creek, Teller Co. Alaska has many placer deposits in the streams in rivers, and a few of the names that are familiar are the Kenai Peninsula District; the Valdez Creek District; the Hatcher Pass District; the Caribou Creek District; and the Petersville District. The state of Alaska has preserved many of these historical placer deposits for public recreational mining.
Gold has been known since prehistoric times and was one of the first metals to be worked, mainly because it was to be found as nuggets or as particles in the beds of streams. Such was the demand that by 2000 BC the Egyptians began mining gold. The death mask of Tutankhamen, who died in 1323 BC, contained 100 kg of the metal. The royal graves of ancient Ur (modern Iraq), which flourished from 3800 to 2000 BC, also contained gold objects.
Through the ages, men and women have cherished gold, and many have had a compelling desire to amass great quantities of it -- so compelling a desire, in fact, that the frantic need to seek and hoard gold has been aptly named "gold fever." Gold was among the first metals to be mined because it commonly occurs in its native form, that is not combined with other elements, because it is beautiful and imperishable, and because exquisite objects can be made from it. The minting of gold coins began around 640 BC in the Kingdom of Lydia, situated in what is now modern Turkey, using electrum, a native alloy of gold and silver. The first pure gold coins were minted in the reign of King Croesus, who ruled from 561–547 BC.